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Typescript basics


Typescript is a superset of JavaScript, it is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

What is Typescript?

  • Alternative to js
  • Strictly typed
  • support modern features (arrow functions, let, const) # these are new features of js, with typescript, these features will be translated to older version of js, so that older browser can support it
  • extra (generics, interfaces, tuples etc)


Install Typescript compiler

npm install typescript

Convert ts to js

tsc sandbox.ts file_name.js
# Or
tsc sandbox.ts

To watch changes in typescript and automatically compile to js

tsc sandbox.ts -w


  • Const and Variables
// Every code is the same as js
// Constants

const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');


inputs.forEach((input) => {

// Variable, types can't be changed
let age = 32;
let name = 'Luigi';
let isFamous = true;
  • Functions
// Function
func circ = (diameter) => {
  return diameter * Math.PI;

circ('hello') // no error in code

// Fix, inferring the type
func circ = (diameter: number) => {
  return diameter * Math.PI;

circ('hello') // error will be thrown
  • Arrays and Objects
// Arrays
let names = ['sam', 'tom'];
names.push(10); // error in code, unlike js

let mixed = ['sam', 1, 'tom'];
mixed.push(10); // no err
mixed.push('jerry'); // no err

// Objects
let employee = {
  name: 'sam', // this property should always be string
  job: 'QA Tester',
  age: 30, // this property should always be number
}; // extra property can't be added
  • Explicit Types
let character: string;
let age: number;
let isAdult: boolean;

let ninjas: string[]; // array is declared only
ninjas.push('hey'); // will throw error in console cause, array becomes null as we haven't assigned it anything

let ninjas: string[] = [];
ninjas.push('hey'); // now works

// Union types
let mixed: (string | number)[] = [];

let uid: string | number;
uid = '123';
uid = 123;

// Objects
let ninjaOne: object;
ninjaOne = { name: 'yoshi', age: 30 };

let ninjaTwo: {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  isAdult: boolean;

ninjaTwo = { name: 'yoshi', age: 30, isAdult: true };
  • Dynamic/Any Type
let age: any = 10;
age = true;
age = 'hello';
age = { name: 'luigi' };

let mixed: any[] = [];

let ninja: { name: any; age: any };

Better Workflow and tsconfig

Put all deployment code to public and source to src.
Use this command to build tsconfig.json file.

tsc --init

Update rootDir and outDir in tsconfig

  "compilerOptions": {
    "rootDir": "./src", // Input folder
    "outDir": "./public" // Output folder
  "include": ["src"] // To only include ts file in src folder

Now type in these commands to compile and watch the js file

tsc -W

Function Basis

// Explicit type
let greet: Function;

greet = (){

// ?optional parameter, default parameter (always at end of parameters)
const add = (a: number, b: number, c?:number|string, d:number|string = 10){


// return type ():number, but optional as ts automatically infer the type
const minus = (a:number, b:number):number => {
  return a - b;

let result = minus(10,5);

Type Aliases

type StringOrNum = string | number;

const logDetails = (uid: StringOrNum) => {};
const logDetails = (uid: string | number) => {}; // same as above

type objWithNum = { name: string; uid: StringOrNum };
const greet = (user: objWithNum) => {

Function Signatures

// eg1
let greet: (a: string, b: string) => void;

greet = (name: string, greeting: string) => {
  console.log(`${name} says ${greeting}`);

// eg2
let calc: (a: number, b: number, c: string) => number;

calc = (numOne: number, numTwo: number, action: string) => {
  if (action === 'add') {
    return numOne + numTwo;
  return numOne - numTwo; // throws error if we add without this

// eg3
let logDetails: (obj: { name: string; age: number }) => void;

type person = { name: string; age: number };

logDetails = (ninja: person) => {
  console.log(`${} is ${ninja.age} years old`);

DOM & Type casting

// Typescript defines type for DOM selector(only with element) automatically
const anchor = document.querySelector('a');

if (anchor) {
  console.log(anchor.href); // anchor can be null too, so we have to do it like this else error will appear

// Alternative
const anchor = document.querySelector('a')!;

const form = document.querySelector('form')!; // Type is defined automatically

const form = document.querySelector('.same-form')!; // Type is not defined

// Manually defining type, good for intellisense
const form = document.querySelector('.same-form') as HTMLFormElement;
amount: valueAsNumber; // turns string value to number when compiled to js


class Invoice {
  client: string;
  details: string;
  amount: number;

  constructor(c: string, d: string, a: number) {
    this.client = c;
    this.details = d;
    this.amount = a;

  format() {
    return `${this.client} owes \$${this.amount} for ${this.details}`;

const invOne = new Invoice('mario', 'work on a website', 250);

// We can also define array of Invoice objects
let invoices: Invoice[] = [];

// We can also modify object property
invOne.client = 'Yoshi';
invOne.amount = 100;

Access Modifiers

class Invoice {
  readonly client: string; // value can't be changed, accessible everywhere
  private details: string; // accessible only in class
  public amount: number; // accessible everywhere

  constructor(c: string, d: string, a: number) {
    this.client = c;
    this.details = d;
    this.amount = a;

  format() {
    // this.client = 'something'; not allowed
    return `${this.client} owes \$${this.amount} for ${this.details}`;

const invOne = new Invoice('mario', 'work on a website', 250);

// invOne.client = "Yoshi"; // not allowed
invOne.amount = 300;
// console.log(invOne.details); // not allowed
// ShortHand, only if using access modifiers
class Invoice {
    readonly client: string,
    private details: string,
    public amount: number,
  ) {}

  format() {
    return `${this.client} owes \$${this.amount} for ${this.details}`;


Splitting code to different modular files. Change tsconfig to target modern browsers cause it only works on modern browsers.

  "compilerOptions": {
     "target": "es6",
     "module": "es2015"
<!-- Specifying the type as module in html while importing the module -->
<script type="module" src="sandbox.js"></script>
// a module
// use export to let Invoice class import in other file
export class Invoice {
    readonly client: string,
    private details: string,
    public amount: number,
  ) {}

  format() {
    return `${this.client} owes \$${this.amount} for ${this.details}`;
// Import the file, .js is required cause the final build will be .js file
import { Invoice } from './classes/invoice.js';

Drawbacks: Have to make multiple requests for multiple files, older browser doesn't support it
Solution: Use Webpack


Used to infer certain type of structures for objects or classes.

interface isPerson {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  speak(a: string): void;
  spend(a: number): number;

// me should contain all the property of isPerson interface, and extra property can't be added
const me: isPerson = {
  name: 'roopaish',
  age: 20,
  speak(text: string): void {
  spend(amount: number): number {
    console.log(`I spent ${amount}`);
    return amount;

Interfaces with classes

// Interface for a class
export interface HasFormatter {
  format(): string;
// class Invoice must follow implementation mentioned in HasFormatter
import { HasFormatter } from '../interfaces/HasFormatter.js';

export class Invoice implements HasFormatter {
    readonly client: string,
    private details: string,
    public amount: number,
  ) {}

  format() {
    return `${this.client} owes \$${this.amount} for ${this.details}`;
// Now we can define the type of variable
import { Invoice } from './classes/invoice.js';
import { HasFormatter } from './interfaces/HasFormatter.js';

let docOne: HasFormatter; // defining the type of variable

docOne = new Invoice('yoshi', 'web work', 150); // works cause, Invoice implements HasFormatter

// Same with array
let docs: HasFormatter[] = [];


// any type can be passed
const addUID = <T>(obj: T) => {
  let uid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  return { ...obj, uid };

let docOne = addUID({ name: 'yoshi', age: 40 }); // {name: 'yoshi', age: 40, uid: 7}
let docTwo = addUID('hello'); // {0: 'h', 1: 'e', 2: 'l', 3: 'l', 4: 'o', uid: 88}
const addUID = <T extends object>(obj: T) => {
  let uid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  return { ...obj, uid };

let docOne = addUID({ name: 'yoshi', age: 40 });
// let docTwo = addUID("hello"); // error, even if its generic it must be object/generic object
interface Resource<T> {
  uid: number;
  resourceName: string;
  data: T;

const doc1: Resource<object> = {
  uid: 1,
  resourceName: 'person',
  data: { name: 'roopaish' },

const doc2: Resource<string[]> = {
  uid: 2,
  resourceName: 'shoppingList',
  data: ['shirt', 'table'],


enum Resource {
  person, // 0
  shoppingList, // 1


Order of type of variable in an array is same.

let tup: [string, number, boolean] = ['ryu', 40, true];
// let tup2: [string, number, boolean] = [ 40, 'ryu', true]; // not allowed